Friday, October 8, 2021

Hiking on the South Rim Trail

As a student at Western Colorado University, Michael Kunka has made the dean’s list twice. Mike attended Midway High School, Waco, Texas, where he was involved in JV football and JV golf. For fun, Michael Kunka likes to snow ski, fly fish, and hike.

Hiking is one of the best ways to explore outdoor spaces. The activity also has numerous health benefits. Texas is the second-largest state in America; hence, the state possesses 12 protected areas, two national parks, and 80 recreation sites and parks. Much of this land can be explored through hiking.

One of the best locations to go hiking in Texas is the South Rim Trail in the Big Bend National Park. The park covers the Chisos Mountain Range and is popular among hikers. Hikers at the South Rim Trail would experience steep ascents and an elevation gain of 2000 feet. The trail stretches over 12 miles; quite a distance, even for experienced hikers. Hikers are to look out for signs of mountain lions, Mexican jays, lizards, and deer. The length and steepness of the trail require that hikers wear quality, durable hiking shoes.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Navigating Moguls on a Downhill Ski Slope

Michael “Mike” Kunka currently attends Western Colorado University in Gunnison, where he studies finance and business. An avid skier, Michael Kunka enjoys advanced downhill runs and excels in a variety of snow conditions.

One of the critical skills on popular ski runs is navigating bumps, or moguls, which require quick adaptation to rapidly changing terrain. Moguls naturally form anytime a large number of people traverse the same slope. Each turn shifts snow from the skier’s line and creates an indent and small mound. The next skier naturally slides into this ski-created indent, and it gradually grows into a trough, while the adjacent mound increases in size. These moguls are particularly pronounced in steeper sections, where skidding turns and sudden breaking hasten the process.

The key with moguls is to focus on timing turns precisely, in such a way that you maintain balance across the center of the foot throughout the turns and bumps. Use the legs as suspension to adjust to the changes in terrain, while keeping the shoulders and head as level as possible.

Add a little downward pressure to increase resistance just before the bump. This will serve to shift momentum upward and may create lift that results in airtime. Take advantage of this time in the air to re-center the feet and prepare for a turn into the next mogul. When turning, try to keep the skis steady and make the turn rounded and clean, instead of skidding. This will allow you to maintain greater speed and add control as you prepare for lift off the next bump.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Dean’s List on Your Professional Resume

Since 2018, Michael "Mike" Kunka has owned and managed MAK Lawn Service in Waco, Texas. Michael Kunka is a student at Western Colorado University, where he has already made it to the Dean’s List.

The Dean’s List is mostly used in North American colleges and universities to recognize students who demonstrated academic excellence. Eligibility to get on the Dean’s List varies from school to school. Typically, students would have to complete a certain number of credits and earn a high GPA (3.6/4.0 or 4.5/5.0) to be eligible for consideration. However, these standards are rather flexible, as the Dean’s list is usually based on how competitive the student body is every semester.

On a resume, the Dean’s List should be added next to the GPA. However, most professionals think it is redundant to include your Dean’s List since your GPA is already there. Nonetheless, it is expedient to add it to your resume if you achieved it in all your semesters.It is advantageous towards seeking employment.


Friday, August 13, 2021

AI Technology to Help Lifeguards

Michael "Mike" Kunka attended Midway High School, where he was a member of the National Honor Society and the Student Council. In 2018, Michael Kunka worked as a lifeguard at the only country club in Waco, Texas.

To make the job of a lifeguard easier and save more lives, the alumni of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel have developed an AI-based lifeguard system. This technology, known as Sightbit, enables lifeguards to monitor thousands of swimmers simultaneously. It also helps to identify possible hazardous situations.

As of 2020, The Israel Nature and Parks Authority utilized Sightbit along with a coastline distance of five miles in Palmachim National Park. Developers say that the use of Sightbit along this coastline is the creation of the first smart beach. Sightbit works via standard cameras covering a specific area and transmitting real-time data through monitors in the lifeguard tower. When swimmers may be in danger, the system sounds alarms, and the cameras zoom in for a better view, allowing the lifeguards to stop relying on the manual use of binoculars.

Hiking on the South Rim Trail

As a student at Western Colorado University, Michael Kunka has made the dean’s list twice. Mike attended Midway High School, Waco, Texas, w...